Historic agreement on green transition in Denmark

Historic agreement on green transition in Denmark

Historic agreement on green transition in Denmark In November 2024, the Danish government presented a groundbreaking green tripartite agreement to promote sustainable solutions in agriculture. The agreement is an important milestone in the fight against climate change...
Climate-Smart Agriculture on the curriculum

Climate-Smart Agriculture on the curriculum

A new interdisciplinary project, EVECSA (European Vocational Education in Climate Smart Agriculture), is set to bring knowledge about climate-smart agriculture… Go to the AARHUS UNIVERSITET website and read the articleDansk version Read english version …...
Klimasmart landbrug skal fremmes i EU samarbejdsprojekt

Klimasmart landbrug skal fremmes i EU samarbejdsprojekt

Europa skal fremme en grøn omstilling i landbruget, som beskrevet i den europæiske grønne pagt (Green Deal). At reducere udledningen af drivhusgasser, tilpasse sig klimaforandringer og opretholde landbrugets produktivitet og biodiversitet kræver nye metoder og...