Explore our library of resources, such as reports, excellence stories, learning resources and news, organized by category and country.

Historic agreement on green transition in Denmark

Climate change is putting Europe’s agriculture under pressure – a new EU project paves the way for solutions

Climate-Smart Agriculture on the curriculum

EVECSA: Enhancing vocational training in sustainable agriculture

Strengthening vocational excellence for Climate Smart Agriculture through collaboration

The 3rd Forum on Vocational Excellence took place in Lyon alongside the 47th WorldSkills competition

EVECSA Poland CoVE launched with participation of Deputy Minister of Agriculture

We study the link between forestry and agriculture in the first visit within the framework of the EVECSA project

How to improve the learning supply of farmers by promoting Climate Smart Agriculture

EVECSA: Driving the shift towards Climate Smart Agriculture in Europe
Historic agreement on green transition in Denmark
Historic agreement on green transition in Denmark In November 2024, the Danish government presented a groundbreaking green tripartite agreement to promote sustainable solutions in agriculture. The agreement is an important milestone in the fight against...
Climate change is putting Europe’s agriculture under pressure – a new EU project paves the way for solutions
Climate change is putting Europe’s agriculture under pressure – a new EU project paves the way for solutions European agriculture is facing some of the biggest climate challenges ever. The need for innovative and climate-smart...
Climate-Smart Agriculture on the curriculum
A new interdisciplinary project, EVECSA (European Vocational Education in Climate Smart Agriculture), is set to bring knowledge about climate-smart agriculture… Dansk version … directly to agricultural schools through a unique collaboration between Danish agricultural education...
EVECSA: Enhancing vocational training in sustainable agriculture
Threatened by the ravages of climate change and pressured by the necessity to feed an ever – growing population, agriculture is under strain. Facing two urgent challenges simultaneously – climate hazards and food security –...
Strengthening vocational excellence for Climate Smart Agriculture through collaboration
How can the European agricultural sector address climate challenges and improve productivity through training and innovation? Italian version EVECSA focuses on the importance of Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) in improving the resilience of agri-food systems in...
The 3rd Forum on Vocational Excellence took place in Lyon alongside the 47th WorldSkills competition
This year’s WorldSkills competition, hosted at Eurexpo in Lyon, marked its 47th edition, bringing together 1,400 competitors from over 70 countries and drawing over 250,000 visitors. Nearly 700 participants from various CoVE projects also gathered...
We study the link between forestry and agriculture in the first visit within the framework of the EVECSA project
Within the framework of the EVECSA project, on Monday, July 15, 2024, we visited Abadal winery, to begin to see the relationship between the forestry sector and the agricultural sector, and later develop it within...
How to improve the learning supply of farmers by promoting Climate Smart Agriculture
The new CoVEs stimulate innovation, collaboration, and the nurturing of talent in a wide variety of expertise and sectors. The diversity of issues the CoVEs are addressing is striking. Whether it’s beekeeping or sports, each...
EVECSA: Driving the shift towards Climate Smart Agriculture in Europe
As the effects of climate change continue to affect agriculture across Europe, there’s a pressing need for innovative solutions to ensure the sector’s resilience. In response to this challenge, EVECSA promotes Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) practices across Europe....
Launch of the centre of vocational excellence for Climate Smart Agriculture in Sicily
Sicily is currently facing a persistent water crisis, which is putting regional agriculture under significant strain. This phenomenon, combined with the increasingly evident effects of climate change, calls for integrated and timely interventions. Among the fundamental actions is...
Klimasmart landbrug skal fremmes i EU samarbejdsprojekt
Europa skal fremme en grøn omstilling i landbruget, som beskrevet i den europæiske grønne pagt (Green Deal). At reducere udledningen af drivhusgasser, tilpasse sig klimaforandringer og opretholde landbrugets produktivitet og biodiversitet kræver nye metoder og...
Uwaga międzynarodowy projekt ERASMUS+ EVECSA wystartował! W Wojsławicach !!!
Uwaga międzynarodowy projekt ERASMUS+ EVECSA wystartował! W Wojsławicach !!! 19 kwietnia 2024 roku w ZSCKU w Wojsławicach odbyło się spotkanie polskich uczestników międzynarodowego projektu ERASMUS+ EVECSA z koordynatorem projektu p. Andersem Højlund Nielsenem. Projekt dotyczy Europejskiej...
Start of 15 new Centers of Vocational Excellence
Unveiling tomorrow’s talent: introducing the latest Centres of Vocational Excellence In the movement of revolutionizing vocational education and empowering future professionals, the granting of 15 new Centres of Vocational Excellence (CoVEs) has sparked excitement and anticipation...